Ivette Candanedo
I was born and raised in Panama. I grew up in a very small town in the Caribbean side of the country. I love expressing my creativity in many ways and because of that I studied Production and Direction of Radio, Film and TV at university. I also love nature and I feel deeply connected to everything that inhabits this earth with me. I studied Marine Biology as well and worked at a research station for a year until I decided to take some time to reconnect with myself, travel and expand my view of the world. I ended up training to become a yoga instructor in India and that's what I do now. I also love to write and sing. I'm the happiest when I'm doing something creative.
I loved making crafts in school and growing up there was always a new one I was trying to learn. My mom would crochet large mantel pieces to have on our table or to lay over the couch, so I learnt the basics of crocheting from her and I guess that pushed my love for crafting even further. In high school I decided I wanted to make bracelets, so I asked my mom to buy me lots of beads, threads and hooks and I made many designs that I wore all the time.
I love the Panamanian female costume. It's beautiful and it looks so elegant. That's why I wanted to learn how to make the Tembleques (headpieces) and teach them in my Workshop. I think it is a very specific craft from this country that I'm sure many people around the world (especially the ones that like making jewelry with beads) will love to learn.
Living in Panama is beautiful. I love being surrounded by nature. From where I'm living at the moment, I can see the ocean and the many beautiful trees everywhere. Having that kind of energy around me is magical and I'm very grateful for it.