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Evonne Betty

I am Evonne from Kenya, in Africa.  I am a mum of seven, four girls and three boys.  I love spending time with children.  I am a teacher by profession. I teach Sunday school at my local church, and I teach English literature at a high school.  I enjoy being creative and doing things that involve working with my hands, such as cooking, weaving, making pottery, and sewing.  I love working with recycled materials, as well as natural materials such as animal hides, sisal, sheep's wool and reeds.

I began crafting at an early age.  Over school holidays I would travel to my rural home to meet up with relatives, where I learned different aspects of our culture from the older members of the clan.  It was a very exciting experience for me, and I enjoy sharing with others what I have learned. 

In my community, certain crafts are made at specific times of year, for specific events and ceremonies.  One example is that for circumcision or initiation rituals, we make skirts from reeds that are mostly dried and ready for use during the month of December, hence those ceremonies are performed at that time. Pottery is made when the season is wet, and the riverbanks are full of clay that may be collected, processed and prepared to be used.  Animal hides are retrieved when the animals are slaughtered for special events. 

What I love most about my country is the diversity of its culture.  There are 43 different communities living in Kenya, divided into three groups: the Nilots, Cushites and Bantus.  It is very interesting to meet all of these different people in my daily life, and to learn about their various cultures and beliefs.  


Evonne Betty
Evonne Betty